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Ashley Strickland
Родился вFlorida
20 years
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Книга памяти
Audi Then there was U April 5, 2008

In an instant you brought so much happiness and joy to your mom.  The very moment I met you I knew that you filled a void.  Your laughter and smile resonated everywhere you went and it continues to be felt in the lives of all who knew you.  I believe that God brings people together for a reason, and you pretty-girl... have inspired many, especially your mom.  We will never let your death be in vain, watch over us my sweet angel and give us strength, until we meet again.

We miss you,

Crystal, Noel, Marlon, Audi  

John Sr. Uncle April 1, 2008

I wish to express commemoration for each and every single day of Ashley’s life. For she truly lived each day as the gift it is from God. My heart knows you smile upon us now Ashley Nicole, and anyone who had known you is truly more blessed. I do feel cheated that my niece had left us way too soon, but I must have faith in my father’s plan. I do love you sis, and know your daughter is truly loved and very much miss.

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